Mr. Lakey's Main Blog Page

Websites or Applications

PhET Simulation Software
(We will use this site to explore our content. This software his built in simulations that (hopefully) make the material more engaging.)

(This is the site I use to make all of my videos. This is not an application you need to download because all of the videos I make are view-able if you have this application or not. I will say if you want to make some of your own videos with other classmates to better study for our exams, this is a really great tool to assist with that.)

(The Graphing Calculator for Functions, Geometry, Algebra, Calculus, Statistics and 3D Math!)

GeoGebra Applet to understand Equation behavior
(This applet was designed by an educator to aid students in understanding the behavior of certain elements of an equation. Really good resource!)
(An interactive site where we will have exams and exit tickets.)

CanFigureIt (Click this link to practice problems I assign) 

(A web-based resource designed to enable high school students to solve geometry proof problems independently and interactively.)  

The fundamentals of using CanFigureIt

How to perform a "substitution" using the algebra manipulator

CanFigureIt Teacher Login (this is just for me)

Math Warehouse
(An excellent site to view online simulations of a variety of topics)

Math Open Reference
(This is a great site that has a variety of mathematical concepts visually illustrated. If that is confusing, click on the link and try it out.)

Free Graphing Calculator download on I-tunes
(For those that are able to download this graphing calculator it is extremely useful. With this software you are able to make tables, graphs from equations and have access to a really good scientific calculator.)

Additional Online Graphing Calculators